Introduction ASP.NET

Welcome to this ASP.NET tutorial, article covering currently 38 most important ASP.NET concepts. This tutorial is mainly for new users of this great technology, and we will send you all the chapters. Recommend to go, so maybe they can take advantage of more. While each chapter can be used without reading the previous chapters, some of them may mention the actions performed in the preceding chapters.

Look at the table's contents on the right, where all the chapters are listed, this tutorial has never been done - we will continue to add new things to this, so check it regularly We hope this tutorial should start with you from ASP.NET. Helps in

Welcome to this ASP.NET tutorial. According to Microsoft, " is a technology for building dynamic, dynamic web applications and is part of the .NET Framework". This tutorial will teach you to scratch, and no knowledge of any server siding is necessary. Basic HTML and CSS knowledge is better Working with classic ASP or PHP will not help you much, because ASP.Net is a new way of working.

The .NET language is free, which means that you can use .NET applications to create .NET supported languages. The most common languages ​​for writing ASP NET applications are C # and VB Net. While VBABT is directly based on VB (Visual Basic), C # was introduced with NAT framework and so some people used to call C # .NET Language ", but according to Microsoft, all you can do is one thing, whether you are C # or VB NET is using 2 languages, there is no difference, and if you use one of these, you will not have any problem learning other. In this tutorial we will use C #

The main difference between ASP.NET and Classic ASP / PHP is that ASP.NET has been compiled, while the classic ASP is always interpreted. PHP can be compiled using commercial products, but generally it is equally possible.

This tutorial will use the Free Visual Studio Express 2012 IDE from Microsoft. Some people believe that despite this, ASP.NET Can be used without an IDE. It would be entirely possible to write asp.NET code in Notepad, and will be included with the .NET framework using the command line compiler. Some people really like the way to "basics back up" things, but I believe that ASP.N.T Programmed with the best IDE, you can use the IDE from another vendor, and you will still be able to follow this tutorial. . We will use Visual Studio Express 2012 for the Web because it's free, it's easy to set up and easy to use. Apart from this, using a good IDE will make many things faster for a long time.

Now, you can read more about Visual Studio for the Web on this page: and download it from this page Do: http: http: // The initial download is very small, because the installation is based on the components you already have and those that have to be downloaded. Just execute the file, and you will be guided through the installation. Once installed, start the application, and go to the next chapter